Avoid deadly injuries by preventing unintentional equipment startup.
OSHA estimates compliance with the lockout/tagout (LOTO) standard prevents 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries annually. Yet lockout/tagout violations are still among the top ten most frequently cited by OSHA. This guide explains how to get compliant with this standard, fast. You'll learn:
- The basics of OSHA's LOTO standard - 29 CFR 1910.147 (“Control of Hazardous Energy”)
- What you need in your LOTO program & how to document procedures
- Which tools (locks, hasps, tags, etc.) to select to be the foundation of your program
This guide will help you understand what Lockout/Tagout is, when to use it, and how the control of hazardous energy can keep workers safe in your facility. With the added option to order free samples of LOTO tags, locks, and labels, you can see just how much visual communication can streamline your production processes.