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See how durable and high quality LabelTac® labels can enhance communication and help workers stay safe.

Protecting your employees from potentially deadly arc flash hazards is essential for their safety as well as staying compliant with NFPA and OSHA regulations. A simple and easy way to go about this is clear communication with code compliant arc flash labels. If you'd like to see the versatility and durability of LabelTac®for yourself, we're more than happy to send you a box of samples. You'll be able to test these code compliant labels out and experience how LabelTac® can help you keep workers safe from harm.

What's included in your sample pack:

  • A pack of sample LabelTac® arc flash labels that are OSHA and NFPA compliant
  • Top-rated floor tapes to use with your labels for a complete marking system
  • SafetyTac® Shape samples such as Ts, dots, and arrows
  • A comprehensive preparation and installation guide
Send my free samples!
Arc Flash Label Samples