Make Your photovoltaic system OSHA compliant with this solar panel labeling guide.
For environmentally-conscious companies, transitioning to a sustainable energy source like photovoltaic systems is the smart next step. Like all energized systems, though, solar energy comes with electrocution hazards and other dangers that could put workers at risk of injury or death. Therefore, it's important to communicate warnings through signs and labels. This guide will show you which labels you'll need to stay safe and in compliance. This guide:
- Presents information in a simple, shareable format
- Covers the agencies responsible for photovoltaic system safety standards
- Includes clear explanations of label color codes
- Outlines where labels need to go on your solar panel system
- Offers tips for successful implementation of solar panel labeling
![Make Your photovoltaic system OSHA compliant with this solar panel labeling guide. Solar Panel Labeling Guide](