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Fire Extinguishers

Equip your workplace
with firefighting gear.
Fires are one of the scariest and deadly accidents that occur in industrial settings. Since fires have such potential for catastrophe, it’s important to equip facilities with fire extinguishers that are strong enough to tamp out fires quick. A high-quality fire extinguisher can be the difference between a close call and an operation-ending disaster.
Fire extinguishers come in different sizes, shapes and pressures. These fire-fighting instruments are designed to combat class A hazards commonly found in office environments and industrial locations, and are built for ease of use. The Ansul Sentry Pressurized Water Fire Extinguisher provides a squeeze grip, positive on-off operation, and features easy-to-read, step-by-step instructions in a visible place along the nameplate so that workers can react fast in the case of an emergency.
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