Gemba Training and Research Page

Gemba Training and Research Page


The word gemba means 'the real place' in Japanese. This term is often used in workplaces practicing Lean manufacturing to refer to the place where work is performed. Gemba is the place where value is created for the customer.

At a business that manufactures and sells a product, gemba could be the assembly line, the shipping department, the warehouse, the sales office, or the conference room. It could even be in the store where customers interact with products.

A gemba walk is a tool often used by management to get out into the workplace and actually see what's going on. It's based on the idea that for processes to improve, changes must be based on facts learned from observing work. Studying data about the workplace from an office may provide some insights into what's happening, but to actually understand the ins and outs of processes, people must go to the gemba to look, listen, and question.

The term genchi genbutsu is sometimes used in place of the term gemba walk since it has a similar meaning. It is often translated as 'go and see for yourself' or 'go and see the problem.' The word genchi refers to the actual place and the word genbutsu refers to the actual materials or products.

Gemba Walk Basics

gemba walk schedule In theory, a gemba walk may sound pretty simple; it involves someone going out into the workplace to see what's happening. To a certain extent, this is true. But learning to use gemba walks in a workplace takes time and practice, and businesses must determine how to use this strategy in a way that's useful for them.

Briefly, these walks work like this:

  • Who: Walks are traditionally performed by managers and even executives (although anyone can participate in a walk to observe how processes work).
  • What: Gemba walks involve seeing how things currently work and looking for potential problems. Some walks have themes to help the walker focus on a particular part of a process. For example, a walk might focus on looking for various kinds of waste.
  • Where: Gemba walks can cover an entire value stream at once, but they often focus on more specific parts of a process to avoid information overload. A walker might start at the shipping department where products leave the site and head backwards through the production process. Or a walker might tackle these locations on different days.
  • When: The frequency of walks will depend on the situation and on who is performing the walk. A manager might want to take a daily walk to see the details of processes regularly. Executives might take walks weekly or monthly.
  • Why: Walks take place so people who are not out on the shop floor (or in the sales office, the warehouse, the reception area, etc.) all day long can see what's actually occurring in the workplace.

Gemba walks should not be confused with Management by Wandering Around (MBWA). MBWA usually occurs at random without specific plans. It's often to check up on workers but can lead to the feeling the management is out to catch people. Gemba walks, alternatively, are about engaging with and developing people.

Why is Gemba Important?

These walks are important because they help leaders reconcile the vertical with the horizontal.

What does this mean? Businesses are vertical and often complex. Managers look upward in the organization for direction and executives look down to managers for information about what's going on in the workplace. Meanwhile, value flows horizontally and is added to products on the work floor by the people and processes that make them.

Gemba walks help people at different levels of an organization see this horizontal value-creation process and make sense of the data they usually only hear about. These walks take managers and decision makers away from desks and computers and into the places where work is performed. By taking walks, these people can make better, more informed decisions.

Benefits of Gemba Walks:

  • Help decision makers understand daily work
  • Provide opportunities for dialogue
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement, or Kaizen
  • Show workers management cares about them and their work
  • Break down barriers in the workplace
  • Reveal opportunities for process improvements
  • Help identify and eliminate waste

Preparing for a Gemba Walk

Gemba: The real place While going out into the workplace right away and taking a look around might have some merit, it's best to plan ahead for gemba walks. Those doing the walk need to have a clear purpose in mind, a good understanding of standard procedures, and the appropriate mindset. Gemba walks are not easy or productive right away. Having a successful walk takes practice.


During most gemba walks, the goal is to observe the value-creation process. This could involve walking the entire process at one time, but more often it consists of focusing on a particular part of the process. This could mean visiting just one department, or it could mean visiting several departments with the intention of looking at particular issues (for example, only looking for unnecessary motion or overburdened people). Some walks even occur because someone wants to observe a reported problem.

On a gemba walk, a person should go out and see to begin a dialogue with workers. The purpose is not to go out and solve all visible problems right away. Doing so can actually alienate or intimidate workers by making them feel like management only comes around to make changes or check up on them. In many cases, the workers performing tasks have the greatest insight into what's wrong with a process and what could be improved, so soliciting their input is important.


While on a walk, the walker evaluates the value-creation process. Doing so requires having a solid understanding of what standard operating procedures are and what the process should look like. This kind of knowledge comes in part from seeing things first hand, but those preparing for gemba walks should still make sure they know everything about processes that they can before leaving the office.

To prepare for a walk, the manager or decision maker could create a value stream map, which depicts the parts of the value creation process. He or she could also use a spaghetti diagram, which draws the path an item takes during the manufacturing process. Spaghetti diagrams can help identify waste. They are also useful Lean management tools for use during or after a gemba walk if the walk focuses on waste.

Walkers should also know their people. They can get to know people while on walks, but they should know who performs what tasks and what each person or department's responsibilities are.


Although walkers should have a good understanding of processes before heading out on a walk, that doesn't mean they should make lots of assumptions about what they'll see. Having an open mind is key to gemba walks. Those taking walks should try to observe without making judgments or jumping to conclusions right away. Often, this means they will do more listening than talking while on a walk.

The other important part of a gemba walk mindset is respect; walkers must respect workers, listen to their input, and not tell them what to do. These workers often know the ins and outs of processes. Consequently, their opinions are valuable and they should be treated as such. When managers, executives, and others go to the gemba and show respect, chances are the walks will be much more successful.

During a Walk

During a gemba walk, the person walking must think about purpose, process, and people. This means keeping the purpose of the walk in mind, but also looking to see how the process and people involved help achieve the larger purpose of the business - fulfilling the needs of customers.

Things To Do While on the Walk:

  • Take your time. Observe what's going on.
  • Engage with workers. Ask questions.
  • Coach workers on critical thinking skills.
  • Look for muda, mura, and muri.
  • Identify which activities add value, which do not, and which are non-value-added but still necessary (such as complying with government regulations).
  • Takes notes, photos, or videos, if doing so will help you remember what you saw.

Questions for Walkers to Consider:

value flows horizontally accross an organization

  • Are protocols being followed?
  • Is it clear what standard work is?
  • What's working well?
  • Are things running smoothly?
  • Which activities add value?
  • Which activities don't add value?
  • Is the process consistent or does it vary?
  • Is housekeeping a problem?
  • Does equipment run well?
  • Are there any defects?
  • Does the layout of workstations/equipment make sense?
  • Do workers need additional training?
  • Are jobs performed safely?
  • Is there excessive inventory?
  • Do materials pile up at certain places in the process?
  • Do people spend time waiting?
  • Is documentation available for workers to consult?
  • Are employees skills being utilized?
  • Is communication a problem at any point in the process?

Questions to Ask Workers:

  • How do you perform this task?
  • Do the tools and machines you need work well?
  • Do you encounter any problems?
  • Is there anything you would like to change about the way this task is performed?
  • Do you feel you have the resources and support you need to do your job?

Gemba walks may take 20 minutes or they may take several hours. The duration depends a lot on the goals for the walk and the processes being observed. Walkers should take their time; sometimes a walk actually involves more standing than walking.

Walkers should also really listen to workers. Even if the person conducting the walk sees a problem, he or she shouldn't immediately try to fix it. Getting input from the people performing the task and then spending some time reflecting is a better approach. Unless there's an imminent safety hazard or issue that could cause a big problem for operations, it's best to avoid insisting on adjustments right away.

Gemba walks may result in some benefits right away, but really they will be beneficial in the long run. Users shouldn't expect to see immediate financial gains or treat gemba walks as just a tool for quickly improving the bottom line.

After the Walk

When the walk has been completed, it's time to reflect on observations. Those involved in the walk should reference any notes or photos taken, or write up a list of observations based on what was seen. Some practitioners may find a checklist useful.


  • What problems were observed?
  • Which of these problems are most pressing?
  • Do observed issues have anything in common?
  • Are the problems related to standard operating procedures themselves or is something preventing SOPs from being followed?
  • How can the observed problems be fixed?
  • Who should be responsible for fixing problems?

Walkers can make plans for solving observed problems. This might involve asking a supervisor to assign tasks to certain employees. It might also involve giving more general instructions that allow a department to try to fix a problem itself.

This portion can utilize a process like the PDCA cycle:

  • Plan: Decide what changes need to be made.
  • Do: Implement these changes.
  • Check: Follow up on these changes during a future gemba walk to ensure they're working.
  • Act: If they are working, make these new procedures the new standards for performing work.

When walks are performed and adjustments are made over time, workers will also begin to think about ways processes can be adjusted and get involved in continuous improvement efforts. This can help create an environment where people feel empowered to be proactive about the way things are done.

Tip: Some organizations develop systems for reporting the findings of gemba walks to people in other departments. This could involve posting them in a visible area or sending out an email. Doing so can keep people in the loop about possible issues and upcoming changes.


Fujio Cho, Chairman of the Toyota Motor Corporation, has been quoted as saying management must 'Go see, ask why, show respect.'

  • Management must go to the gemba to observe work processes.
  • Management must ask why things are done the way they are.
  • Management must respect workers and listen to their thoughts and opinions.

By doing this regularly, managers and business leaders can develop workplace cultures where workers see that those in charge care about what happens in the facility on a daily basis. When workers see management is concerned about their jobs and about what's actually going on, they'll be more likely to do quality work. By engaging with management, workers may also learn to think more critically about tasks and seek out ways to improve them.

For managers, there's no magic key to successful gemba walks. These walks take practice. Walkers must practice observing, asking questions, and keeping an open mind. But by making it a regular practice in the workplace, the facility can become a place where everyone is involved in the cycle of improvement.

Additional Gemba Walk facts:

  • A Gemba Walk is a workplace walkthrough which aims to observe employees, ask about their tasks, and identify productivity gains. Gemba Walk is derived from the Japanese word “Gemba” or “Gembutsu” which means “the real place”, so it is often literally defined as the act of seeing where the actual work happens. Source:
  • A Gemba Walk helps managers become more involved in day-to-day operations that they normally wouldn’t see, which helps leaders make more realistic, informed decisions. A Gemba Walk also demonstrates management commitment toward professional development and boosts employee morale as they feel valued and respected. Source:
  • A Gemba Walk typically follows a four-step process: plan, prepare, walk, and follow up. The plan involves choosing a specific process or area to focus on, the prepare involves communicating with the team and setting expectations, the walk involves observing and asking open-ended questions, and the follow up involves analyzing the findings and implementing improvements. Source:
  • A Gemba Walk can be done in any organization, process, or industry, but it originated from Toyota’s manufacturing department. Toyota used Gemba Walks as part of their lean management philosophy, which aims to eliminate waste and optimize value. Gemba Walks can help identify the seven types of waste in lean: overproduction, waiting, transportation, inventory, motion, overprocessing, and defects. Source:
  • A Gemba Walk can also be done virtually or remotely, using communication tools such as video conferencing. This can be useful when the workers are located in different places or when physical visits are not possible due to health or safety reasons. A virtual Gemba Walk can still provide valuable insights into the work processes and challenges of the employees, as long as the observer and the employee have a clear and respectful communication. Source:

Free E-Book

Introduction to Gemba

Learn to identify wasteful practices with Gemba walks.


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Lean Manufacturing

Minimize waste and maximize efficiency with our step-by-step guide.

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