Barefoot ESD Mats - Custom sizes available* Barefoot is not just an anti-fatigue mat, not just an ergonomic mat, or ergo mat, but a highly effective safety mat that provides exceptional comfort for people who stand. While most floor mats are made... More details
Barefoot ESD Mats
$103.00 -
Barefoot Standard Ergonomical Mats Barefoot Mats are exceptional on all fronts. This mat boasts the most ergo friendly, anti-fatigue features you can find. If you're on your feet all day, Barefoot Mats are the answer. Increase safety... More details
Ergomat Classic (Standard Ergonomic Work Mat) This anti-static ergonomic mat is great for dry work environments and offers a Cleanroom Class 5 (100) rating. Available in Charcoal color. The Ergomat Classic is made of pure polyurethane and... More details
Ergomat Classic (Standard)
$123.00 -
Ergomat Nitril Hygiene (ESD Control) Work Mat These ergonomic mats are wonderful additions to any food industry or laboratory facility because they are specifically designed to be easily cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis. The Ergomat... More details
Ergomat Nitril Hygiene
$123.00 -
Ergomat Classic (Nitril Smooth) Ergonomic Work Mat An anti-static mat that is ideal for dry and non-abrasive areas and where static electricity is present. Perfect for assembly and picking lines. Cleanroom Class 5 (100)Color: Dark Charcoal Warranty: 8... More details
Ergomat Nitril ESD Work Mat This ergonomic mat is the kind of ergonomic Electrostatic desicharge control mat for use in the electronics industry or around sensitive equipment. We also have a version of this mat that is conductinve, and another... More details
Ergomat Nitril ESD
$123.00 -
Ergomat Nitril (Smooth ESD) Ergonomic Work Mat An anti-static mat that is perfect for dry and non-abrasive areas and where static electricity is present (ESD). Perfect for areas where assembly and picking require workers to stand. The Ergomat Nitril is... More details
Ergomat Nitril ESD 2' x 3' only
Anti Fatigue Mats

Ease leg, foot, and
lower back pain for workers.
Standing all day on hard surfaces like cement is tougher than it looks. Doing so causes fatigue, which can lead to foot and limb disorders. Anti-fatigue mats combat the strain inflicted from long bouts of standing. Workers do better when they’re not experiencing discomfort, and employees have a responsibility to protect their workers from work-related injuries. Anti-fatigue mats go a long way in protecting bones and joints from wear.
These mats are designed for comfort and longevity, so they can endure the harsh conditions of warehouses, factories, and all other industrial environments. The Ergomat Classic is great for dry industrial workplaces and has a Cleanroom 5 rating. Its Ergonomic design prevents the usual injuries associated with extended standing.
Anti-fatigue mats are a great tool to minimize discomfort. Your workers will appreciate the new support they’ll get from these mats.
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