Hearing Protection Labels

Hearing Protection Labels

Remind workers to wear
their ear muffs or ear plugs.

Each year, millions of people are impacted by occupational hearing loss as they’re exposed to noise in the workplace. Both an occurrence of a high level of noise—known as an impulse sound—and continuous exposure can lead to permanent damage. If your facility has either of these hearing hazards, it’s essential to implement hearing protection labels so workers are reminded to don their personal protective equipment.

When it comes to hearing, PPE is available in two main options: ear muffs or ear plugs. In some more extreme cases, both of these may be required. With durable hearing protection labels that can be applied both indoors and outdoors, you can help ensure that workers know when to don PPE and stay safe from dangerous levels of noise.

Free OSHA Label and Sign Chart

Free OSHA Label and Sign Chart

Recognize hazard signs at a glance with a free chart of OSHA’s sign and label color scheme.

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