10 Most Hazardous Jobs in the US in 2018

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10 Most Hazardous Jobs in the US in 2018

* Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.

1. Logging Workers - The most dangerous job in America

Fatal injury rate: 111 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 56
Salary: $41,230
Most common fatal accidents: Contact with objects and equipment

2. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers

Fatal injury rate: 53 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 70
Salary: $121,430
Most common fatal accidents: Transportation incidents

The majority of aircraft pilot fatalities occur in crashes of privately owned planes and helicopters rather than on regularly scheduled commercial jet aircraft

3. Derrick operators in oil, gas, & mining

Fatal injury rate: 46 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 20
Salary: $51,390
Most common fatal accidents: Transportation incidents, contact with objects and equipment

The derrick is the structure above a well that holds the drilling equipment and may also include pumps to extract the oil or other materials from the well.

4. Roofers

Fatal injury rate: 41 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 96
Salary: $41,230
Most common fatal accidents: Falls, slips, and trips

The most common cause of fatal work injury for roofers is falling off roofs or ladders.

5. Refuse & recyclable material collectors

Fatal injury rate: 34 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 37
Salary: $42,100
Most common fatal accidents: Transportation incidents

The most common cause of death for garbage collectors is being struck by a garbage truck or other vehicle.

6. Iron Workers

Fatal injury rate: 29 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 15
Salary: $53,650
Most common fatal accidents: Falls, slips, and trips

Falls are the most common fatal accident for structural iron and steel workers.

7. Delivery Drivers

Fatal injury rate: 27 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 966
Salary: $29,610
Most common fatal accidents: Transportation incidents

Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death on the job for driver/ sales workers and truck drivers.

8. Farmers

Fatal injury rate: 26 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 257
Salary: $71,160
Most common fatal accidents: Transportation incidents

Crashes, including tractor crashes, were the most common fatal injury for farmers.

9. Firefighting Supervisors

Fatal injury rate: 20 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 14
Salary: $82,010
Most common fatal accidents: Transportation incidents

The most common cause of death on the job for firefighting supervisors is traffic crashes, followed by fires and explosions.

10. Power Linemen

Fatal injury rate: 20 per 100,000 workers
Total deaths: 29
Salary: $71,960
Most common fatal accidents: Exposure to harmful substances or environments

The most common cause of death for power linemen is death from electrocution.

Resources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, www.ishn.com


What are the most dangerous jobs in the U.S.?

Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, these were the 10 most dangerous jobs in America in 2018. Logging is the number one most hazardous job, year after year. What steps are you taking to make sure your workplace is a safe and hazard free zone?


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