Lock Out Inline Tape

Lock Out Inline Tape

Mark off areas to
control hazardous energy.

Ensure workplace safety with our line of lockout inline tape. Lockout/tagout is a very important safety improvement strategy that has prevented injuries and saved many people’s lives. Using lockout inline tape helps you do your part by reminding workers to lockout equipment before they enter, and warning others to keep the area clear.

Our lockout inline tape has SafetyTac® adhesive technology, which means it won’t receive any rips or tears and will stick for a long period of time. You don’t need to worry about the message smearing or fading; workers will stay safe.

Get started on labeling your lockout/tagout program today by taking a look at our lockout inline tape, listed below.

Free Floor Marking E-Book

Free Floor Marking E-Book

Get our popular Floor Marking Guide e-book and Floor Marking Poster.
(Poster by mail. US/Canada only)

Enjoy end of the year savings on select LabelTac models.

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