How should an overhead crane be left when not in use?

Overhead cranes are used regularly in a variety of different types of facilities. Crane operators should know how to use these cranes safely and effectively to avoid any type of problem. They also need to know how to leave the crane when it is not being used. Walking away from a crane improperly can put people at risk, damage the crane, and lead to other difficulties. This is an introduction to how these cranes should be kept when not in use.

Keep Load Close to the Ground

If the crane will be left with a load attached to it, the load should always be lowered as close to the ground as possible. Keeping tension on the cable will ensure it doesn’t swing or risk coming removed when it shouldn’t. Keeping the load high up in the air, however, invites problems with an accidental drop or other related issue.

Never Leave the Crane Powered On

The crane should never be left without an operator with the power left on. This would allow someone to come begin using the crane without proper training or authorization. In addition, when the crane is on it will typically be using the electric motor to maintain the cranes position. When the crane is turned off, it can use the hoist brakes, which is safer and also won’t put as much stress on the machine. This will also help to minimize the amount of electricity used, which will save the facility money.

Store Unused Hoists Properly

If a hoist hook is not being used, it should be removed from the crane and stored properly so that nobody is at risk of getting hurt by it. When the hoist doesn’t have something on its end, it should be drawn up into the crane as much as possible so that people don’t run into it or face other potential dangers. When it is needed again, it can be easily lowered down for further operations.


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