What does IFC stand for?

IFC stands for International Fire Code. The latest version is the IFC-2021, which serves to provide individuals and companies with the minimum level of safety guidelines for all new and existing structures. This set of standards also provides guidelines for processes on how things should be done to help reduce the risk of fires and keep people safe. The IFC is considered a design document, meaning it should be used whenever designing new structures, performing work on existing ones, establishing processes, and more.

Where is IFC Used?

The IFC is used in countries around the world. In the United States it has been formally adopted in 41 states. Even in states where it has not (yet) officially been adopted, most facilities are designed using the standards that are provided in order to help ensure they are as safe as possible.

Advantages of Using the IFC

While following IFC guidelines is not always legally required, the standards are typically followed anyway. This is because their strategies have been proven to dramatically improve the fire safety of most areas. The following are some of the most important benefits of following the IFC:

  • Flexible – Unlike many regulations, the IFC has a significant amount of flexibility, which allows builders, developers, and construction companies to remain in compliance while still being able to do things the way they want.
  • National Standards – the IFC references nationally developed consensus standards, meaning the information provided has been agreed upon by many groups in many locations.
  • Reasonable Regulations for Hazardous Materials – While there are regulations that need to be followed, they are widely considered to be very reasonable. The IFC standards clearly take into account the fact that there are situations where hazardous materials need to be used.
  • Comprehensive – The IFC codes have requirements for just about all situations including indoor displays, fire protection water supplies, vacant premises, key boxes, high-piled storage, mechanical refrigeration systems, explosion control, and much more.

There are, of course, many other reasons that people follow the IFC strategies whether they are mandatory or not. In the end, it all comes down to the fact that the International Fire Code is a proven system that will help to keep people safe.

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