What are the Metrics that can be Used to Measure Workplace Safety?

To evaluate the effectiveness of workplace safety within an organization, it is essential to analyze certain metrics which can help keep track of progress and identify potential areas which need to be improved. In this article, we discuss some examples of the metrics which should be tracked in order to accurately measure workplace safety, helping businesses to improve their health and safety efforts and protect employees.

Total recordable incident rate

Providing insight into the amount of workplace incidents that have occurred, the total recordable incident rate (TRIR) records the number of injuries or illnesses that occur per every 100 employees over a certain time period. This allows it to be used as a quantitative figure which can be easily recorded, allowing a business to track the number of incidents over time to see whether there are any causes for concern.

Near-miss reporting rate

Similarly to the TRIR, the near-miss reporting rate (NMRR) records any near-miss accidents to keep a record of any incidents which were narrowly avoided. By ensuring employees also report these incidents, organizations have a better chance of being able to identify any safety concerns within the workplace so corrective measures can be taken. This approach encourages accountability, identifying potentially dangerous situations so changes can be made to improve safety.

Days away, restricted, or transferred

Known as a DART rate, this figure shows the impact that workplace incidents have had on the overall operations from a lack of manpower. The calculation takes the total number of workplace injuries that have led to time off work or restricted work capabilities throughout the year, dividing it by the total number of hours worked by all employees in that year. This number is then multiplied by 200,000 to reveal the DART rate, with the average industry benchmark sitting at 1.5.

Lost time injury frequency rate

Quantifying the frequency of incidents which are classed as severe, the lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) specifically refers to injuries which require extended recovery time and result in lost work days. This metric allows a business to analyze any recurring patterns and see whether there is an unacceptable amount of severe injuries occurring, allowing them to be identified and addressed.

Safety surveys

As well as quantitative metrics, qualitative data is also important to provide more insight into the perceived safety within the workplace. A safety survey can be used to assess employee perceptions regarding the health and safety protocols and overall safety culture, having their say on any hazards that they feel need resolving or any further PPE they need in their role. Any negative feedback can identify key areas for improvement within the organization, creating a more collaborative team and helping employees feel valued in their opinions.

Training hours

Keeping track of the number of hours put into training courses, safety meetings, and inspections is a good way to ensure a sufficient amount of time is being allocated to health and safety. An increase in safety training hours should in theory result in improved TRIR, NMRR, DART, and LTIF rates since more measures are being taken to improve workplace safety.


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