Caution Cones

Caution Cones

Easily alert to hazards or
control warehouse traffic.

In most facilities, it’s vital to have a system to warn people of temporary hazards—wet floors, slippery surfaces, broken glass, etc.—to prevent accidents. Caution cones are universally recognized as a marker of danger; these tools will catch people’s attention and instruct them to proceed with caution. Since safety is often called the 6S in the 5S program, it’s important to make safety a top priority. 

You can also use these safety cones to manage traffic! Place traffic cones in the parking lot to block parking, use orange cones indoors to improve warehouse traffic safety, or use them as delineators for parking spots. 

The 20” pop-up safety cone wet floor sign alerts pedestrians of the hazard ahead with its large, easy-to-read, multi-lingual message and symbol. Its sturdy three-leg base keeps the sign securely in place, and its collapsible design and hard-shell storage tube makes storage a breeze.

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