Social Distancing Restaurant and Bar Signs

Social Distancing Restaurant and Bar Signs

Encourage patrons to
maintain a healthy distance.

If your bar or restaurant is reopening for business, make sure you are communicating safety procedures to your customers. Whether you are offering takeout only or can have dine-in services again, these social distancing restaurant and bar signs help you remind customers to respect your policies.

Available as wall signs, banners, A-frames, and more, these eye-catching signs can be posted both inside and outside your restaurant. Thanks to a durable design, they will hold up to water/food spills, chemical cleaners, and foot traffic, so you don’t have to worry about your essential messaging fading away. It’s exciting to resume business again—but public health measures such as social distancing must still be practiced. Keep your employees and customers safe with these social distancing restaurant and bar signs.

Keep Your Business Open with Social Distancing Signage

Making the effort to instill guidance on mask wearing and social distancing directly influences what will happen in the short-term future. That’s right, we’re talking about flattening the curve. Businesses being open at partial capacity is still better than being shut down, as it was during much of the beginning of the pandemic.

Following the CDC’s guidelines on social distancing now can help us get to a better place in the future where masks can be left at home for a more normal restaurant setting.

Establish Social Distancing Rules for Health and Safety

Mask requirements and social distancing exist to keep everyone healthy and safe from the coronavirus. Establishing these guidelines for your restaurant or bar sets a precedent for your customers and hopefully leads to avoiding uncomfortable conflicts.

Signs can do this for you easily. Catch your customers’ eyes with these signs before they even walk into your establishment. Gentle reminders via signage are often nicer than having to constantly berate your customers with verbal reminders.

Increase Spatial Awareness with Social Distancing Restaurant and Bar Signs

One of the easiest ways to establish spatial awareness in a restaurant or bar setting is to use visual communication. Try our social distancing floor signs, social distancing strips, labels, or social distancing shapes to always keep customers six feet apart.

Keep Both Your Customers and Employees Safe from Covid-19

Creative Safety Supply is invested in your safety against covid-19. We aim to provide you with the best and most effective social distancing signage for your restaurant or bar.

Custom Bar and Restaurant Signage Available

Like all our products, these products were built to last. Our floor signs withstand industrial levels of traffic, water, and chemical spills, and last a long time without losing color or top-layer traction. Our wall signs come in five materials, so you can select the choice that works best for you

We can also create custom signs to meet your facility’s requirements. Give us a call at 1-866-777-1360!

Free Social Distancing E-Book

Free Social Distancing E-Book

Recommendations from the CDC and essential tools to help you implement social distancing practices in your facility.

  • Please Sit Here with Checkmark - Label

    Please Sit Here with Checkmark - Label

  • Do Not Sit Here X Symbol - Label

    Do Not Sit Here X Symbol - Label

  • STOP: Do Not Sit Here - Covid-19/Social Distancing - Label

    STOP: Do Not Sit Here - Covid-19/Social Distancing - Label

  • Approved Seating - Covid-19/Social Distancing - Label

    Approved Seating - Covid-19/Social Distancing - Label

  • Custom Social Distancing Strip
    1 review

    Custom Social Distancing Strip

  • Seat Available with Checkmark - Label

    Seat Available with Checkmark - Label

  • Please Do Not Seat X Symbol - Label

    Please Do Not Seat X Symbol - Label

  • Table Closed for Social Distancing with Symbol - Label

    Table Closed for Social Distancing with Symbol - Label

  • Approved Seating - Covid-19/Social Distancing Spanish - Label

    Approved Seating - Covid-19/Social Distancing Spanish - Label

  • Wait Here - Please Keep 6 Ft Apart Red Circular - Floor Sign

    Wait Here - Please Keep 6 Ft Apart Red Circular - Floor Sign

  • Seating Unavailable X Symbol - Label

    Seating Unavailable X Symbol - Label

  • Wash Your Hands with Emoji Green Circular - Floor Sign

    Wash Your Hands with Emoji Green Circular - Floor Sign

  • Wait Here - Please Keep 6 Ft Apart Stop - Floor Sign

    Wait Here - Please Keep 6 Ft Apart Stop - Floor Sign

  • Do Not Sit Here X Symbol Spanish - Label

    Do Not Sit Here X Symbol Spanish - Label

  • Sanitize Frequently with Emoji Green Square - Floor Sign

    Sanitize Frequently with Emoji Green Square - Floor Sign

  • This Seat is Available - Label

    This Seat is Available - Label

  • Sorry: Temporarily Closed Landscape - Wall Sign

    Sorry: Temporarily Closed Landscape - Wall Sign

  • Please Stand Here with Coffee Cup Brown Circular - Floor Sign

    Please Stand Here with Coffee Cup Brown Circular - Floor Sign

  • This Table has Been Sanitized and is Safe for Seating - Label

    This Table has Been Sanitized and is Safe for Seating - Label

  • Please Sit Here with Checkmark Spanish - Label

    Please Sit Here with Checkmark Spanish - Label

  • Sanitize Frequently with Emoji Square - Floor Sign

    Sanitize Frequently with Emoji Square - Floor Sign

  • Please Wash Your Hands with Emoji Blue Circular - Floor Sign

    Please Wash Your Hands with Emoji Blue Circular - Floor Sign

  • Please Wear A Face Covering Mask Emoji Landscape - Wall Sign

    Please Wear A Face Covering Mask Emoji Landscape - Wall Sign


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