Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag

Creative Safety Supply

Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag
  • Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag
  • Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag
  • Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag
  • Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag
  • Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag
  • Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag
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No purchase necessary. Entry Deadline: September, 30 2024. Printer Value: $1,299.00.

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Steam Shut-Off Valve - Valve Tag

Quickly identify a valves function with durable vinyl Valve Tags. These valve tags are made using our LabelTac Tear-Resistant Tag Stock, ideal for heavy industrial environments where a simple thick paper tag just won’t do. Our valve tags can last up to 5+ years outside, and are resistant to UV, smearing, and most chemicals.

Choose from 6 tag colors, perfect for facilities with specific color codes that need to be followed. Pair valve tags with pipe marking labels to increase pipe and valve identification and improve efficiency and safety in the workplace.

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