Stop Here: For Everyone's Safety Please Wait Your Turn - Placard Sign

Creative Safety Supply

Stop Here: For Everyone's Safety Please Wait Your Turn - Placard Sign
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This Stop Here: For Everyone's Safety Please Wait Your Turn - Placard Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our DOT Placards can be adhered anywhere necessary, or use with Placard Holders for chemical transportation.

Not seeing the exact sign you need? No problem, we customize! Our team of professional sign designers will create a unique sign to meet your business' specific needs. Plus, we don't charge any extra fees for customizations. Creative Safety Supply is the leader in visual safety and we take pride in providing our customers with high-quality safety, 5S, and Lean products you can trust. Take a look through our inventory of products to find just what you're looking for. Give us a call today for more information.


  • Constructed using high-grade, long-lasting vinyl
  • Custom signs available, please call 1-866-777-1360
  • No set-up charge & no extra charges for customization

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David V. Verified Customer   

Site makes it easy to find products. I like the resources to help troubleshoot issues when they occur.

Recommend this Company
5 / 5
Dave R. Verified Customer   

My overall experience was great. Creative Safety Supply offers a large variety of safety related signs and images. It was easy to navigate the website and to choose items and place an order. Follow up communication was constant throughout ordering and delivery.

Recommend this Company
5 / 5
Mariah F. Verified Customer   


Recommend this Company
5 / 5

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