TDM-20 Performance Mobile Printer


TDM-20 Performance Mobile Printer
  • TDM-20 Performance Mobile Printer
  • TDM-20 Performance Mobile Printer
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No purchase necessary. Entry Deadline: September, 30 2024. Printer Value: $1,299.00.

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TDM-20 Performance Mobile Printer

The TDM-20 Performance Mobile Printer features lightweight, durable and flexible design with ease of operation without sacrificing functionality for retail & mobile point of sale (MPOS) applications. It has been tested to withstand a drop test of 5.9 ft without protective case/8.2 ft with a protective case, making it suitable for specialized retail applications such as food service and medical facilities. Accessibility to the supply roll is provided via a locking door, allowing printer maintenance without removing the machine from its mounting surface.

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