Triton Products

Triton Products

Durable systems
for tool organization.

Create a lean and organized workspace to help save time and money. Triton products feature some of the best lean solutions for organization and ease of use with tools, supplies, and other products. The wide variety of Triton products includes pegboards, hooks, bins, magnetic sockets, various tool storage, mobile tool carts, and also custom wall mounted solutions. Organization doesn’t have to be difficult or even very time consuming. With Triton products, the principles of lean manufacturing can be both simple and fun. Hang or store anything from gardening tools to industrial power tools to socket wrenches and bolts. The versatility of these products allows them to be one of the top choices within the realm of workplace organization.


Many businesses struggle for adequate space in small or cramped work environments, and when tools and supplies are eating up valuable counter space, it can make a small work environment seem even smaller. Triton storage solutions can remove and safely store nearly anything that was consuming in-demand counter space. For instance, a Triton pegboard can not only be used to store tools, but to also organize them so tools can be stored by size and shape to make finding the right tool quick and easy. The pegs can also be easily adjusted to accommodate larger or smaller tools, so you are never stuck with the same tool arrangement if your tool storage needs change. In addition, Triton magnetic socket holders can create high levels of organization and accountability when it comes to making sure sockets are where they should be.

The innovative nature of Triton products makes them a top choice for tool organization and storage. You will be amazed with the versatility and strength of Triton products. Place your trust in Triton to help enhance your workplace organization and lean efforts. Check out the Triton products below.

Free Tool Organization E-Book

Free Tool Organization E-Book

Make sure the best tool for the job is where you need it when you need it.

  • Industrial Pegboard Kits

    Industrial Pegboard Kits

  • DuraBoard PegBoards (2) 22x18

    DuraBoard PegBoards (2) 22x18

  • 2 Poly Pegboards and 22 Locking Hooks

    2 Poly Pegboards and 22 Locking Hooks

  • Black Tempered Pegboards - (2) - 24x48x1/4

    Black Tempered Pegboards - (2) - 24x48x1/4

  • DuraBoard® Pegboards - (2) 24x48x1/4

    DuraBoard® Pegboards - (2) 24x48x1/4

  • White Tempered Pegboards - (2)24x48x1/4

    White Tempered Pegboards - (2)24x48x1/4

  • Mobile Tool Carts : 5S Mobile Pegboard (tools not included)

    Mobile Tool Carts : Mobile Pegboard


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