Storing objects in aisleways facilitates product and employee movement within production lines. Keeping these spaces clear and organized are essential for a smooth flowing process. However, achieving this is difficult without the right tools. With that being said, industrial grade floor markings are made for this exact application. Let’s go back to the two necessary objectives for maintaining warehouse aisles:
- Keeping the area clear is one way to utilize floor markings in aisleways and happens to be one of the most important aspects of maintaining aisles in the workplace. Take for example if there were boxes, trash, and product strewn out on a pathway. This scenario creates a dangerous space for not only busy workers, but also may obstruct machines like forklifts that may need to pass through. Marking pathways with industrial floor marking tape and floor marking signs is a good use for this kind of problem as it clearly defines the need for only allowing pedestrians and forklifts on the runway. This is also a prime example of working towards following 5S recommendations to improve workplace safety.
- Keeping aisles organized is a very important aspect and one of the main goals of maintaining aisleways. Colors and wording play a huge part in this ideal. Normally aisles and workspaces are marked with a solid yellow line of either tape of paint. This helps denote the type of pathway it is and what to look out for. There might be other signs stuck to the floor that say, “watch for forklift” and maybe the aisleway tape color turns to red and white hazard tape for danger or black and yellow tape for caution. Keeping the colors organized in this way assists employees in a way that’s faster and more consistent than simply reading warnings on the floor.
Overall, the need to mark aisleways with industrial floor marking tape or floor marking signs can only be beneficial for the users. This option also tends to be more longer lasting and durable than constantly putting paint down after it chips over time.
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