ABUS V448 Ball Valve Lockout 2-8” Red


ABUS V448 Ball Valve Lockout 2-8” Red
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No purchase necessary. Entry Deadline: September, 30 2024. Printer Value: $1,299.00.

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ABUS V448 Ball Valve Lockout 2-8” Red

During maintenance work, certain valves on machinery have to be locked in order to protect employees. This ball valve lockout device is used to block access to levers on standard ball valves. It stands out not only due to its low weight, it convinces mainly by the exact fit around the valve. The four arms of the lockout device make for an optimal reinforcement and easily grip even large levers. Padlocks can be exactly positioned due to the many holes on the device.


  • High-quality polypropylene; long-lasting, robust and non-conductive
  • Two sizes: Handles for ball valves from 1/2" to 8"
  • Well-positioned padlock holes for better grip on the valve

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