Text From Infographic
Pokémon Go: Safety Dos & Don'ts
Remember to be alert at all times. Stay aware of your surroundings.
- Don't tresspass on private private property. It's illegal.
- Don't go places you wouldn't normally go (like into rivers, off cliffs, or into a stranger's van).
- Do be aware of your surroundings. Accidents happen when you're oblivious!
- Don't act suspicious. Nobody likes lurkers, stalkers, or finding someone in their yard at 2am.
- Do avoid wildlife. Animals can have teth or come with unpleasant odors.
- Do bring sunscreen, snacks & water. When you leave the house, you need supplies.
- Don't Pokémon and drive! Seriously, texting is bad enough.
- Do avoid bad people. If you're lured down a dark alley, Pokémon could be the least of your concerns.
- Don't be disrespectful. Pokémon doesn't give you permission to be a jerk!
- Do hunt Pokémon in groups when you can. There's strength and safety in numbers.
Be smart! Remember: Catching that Pikachu isn't worth risking your butt!
Thousands of safety and lean supplies - including Pokémon Go Safety Awareness Signs.
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