The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a private safety organization that is dedicated to helping companies improve safety, especially safety related to fire hazards. In pursuit of this goal, they developed the NFPA diamond, which is a standard way to convey information about hazardous materials is a fast and easy to learn way. These diamonds are seen in many locations where any type of hazardous material is found. Learning when it is necessary to use a NFPA diamond is important for the safety of any company.
NFPA is a Private Organization
The NFPA is a private organization, and therefore does not have any authority to force a company to comply with their labeling standards. People commonly think that it is necessary to use the NFPA diamond, but the NFPA itself doesn’t ever claim to have any regulatory authority.
NFPA Diamond Adopted by OSHA
OSHA has adopted the standards developed by the NFPA in their safety standards, which has made it a requirement for companies in the United States to follow these standards. OSHA often adopts the standards from private organizations because they have been shown to be effective. Understanding the NFPA labeling standards will help ensure you are able to remain in compliance with the regulations put forth by OSHA and other regulatory agencies.
When the NFPA Diamond is Required
Since governmental agencies often use the NFPA standards as a part of their requirements, this is when they become mandatory. This could be a local government, state government, or federal agency such as OSHA. Keeping up with the latest NFPA standards will help ensure that you are always in compliance with all regulations. As governmental regulations continue to get updated to further improve safety, they will turn to NFPA and other private organizations to help ensure the best safety standards are followed.